Balanced Scorecard and The GIMSI® Method, French Tableau de Bord (Part 2)
GIMSI® Approach: A Continuos Progress Approach
An Incremental Approach
GIMSI® is an incremental approach focusing on the mode of project. It is also good to note that GIMSI approach is a logic of progress. Thus, the method focuses on progressive steps (incremental) adopting a mode of project.
The company has greater freedom to design its strategy and define its areas of success (depending on the specific value chain of business) allowing a more gradual approach by project to build the system of global management.
Gimsi®: an Approach Focused on Proactivity
If Balanced Scorecard places consistency and normality as fundamental, GIMSI method is much more focused on the reactivity and proactivity of the organization by cultivating the accountability of all the players, without waiving the requirements of global coherence.
From "Idea to Action"
Balanced Scorecard is part of a fairly traditional and static conception of strategy. Under this concept, a strategy is formulated by the leading spheres, then declined as a rigorous and precise plan. Performance is expressed by the actions in accordance with this plan.
This approach to control, easy to modeling, is unfortunately not the most representative of the business realities. In practice, the linking of "Idea to Action" rarely takes place in a manner as linear. And this is especially true today, where uncertainty and unpredictability have become constants.
Number of endogenous or exogenous events, that will inevitably occur, will systematically undermined the plan and the best strategy, as carefully as they are developed. To fit best on the field the policy and the emergence of new opportunistic strategies, it is preferable to develop, in the heart of the company, the ability to be active or even proactive, and play the card of the extensive cooperation and with emphasis on local communication and capacity to decide. Opportunities never appear openly.
We must, at all levels, be alert to detect signals and have sufficient latitude to assess the relevance. GIMSI is part of this second scheme.
What is a performance dashboard?
Definition the Performance Dashboard A performance dashboard is not a checking instrument anymore.
It is performance measurement tool, a key to progress approach.
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