Balanced Scorecard and Total Performance Scorecard
Hubert Rampersad's Total Performance Scorecard
BSC and the Human Element
It is not possible to build a real control system without adopting a modern management approach to promote the cooperative dimension (note 1). This fundamental flaw in the Balanced Scorecard method focusing exclusively Top-Down approach has often been highlighted. For example, Hubert Rampersad's Total Performance Scorecard approach goes also in this direction. Total Performance Scorecard combines theories of learning to Balanced Scorecards.
David Kolb's Learning Cycle
The David Kolb's Learning Cycle (note 2) is at the heart of the Total Performance Scorecard method which presents itself as a total quality-type holistic approach.
Despite its appeal, the whole remains, in my opinion, quite heavy. The Total Performance Scorecard approach should be reserved for large organizations with a sizeable budget. Practical examples of implementation are also in this direction.
Total Performance Scorecard
Redefining Management to Achieve Performance with Integrity
by Hubert Rampersad
Butterworth- Heinemann
Note 1: Remember they are men who make the decisions. They can go in the desired direction if and only if:
- They find common ground between the task to be carried out and their personal goals.
- The risk of the decision (in fact the estimation of the consequences) is always properly assessed.
And so the GIMSI approach is tackling the issue.
- They participate actively in all phases of the project.
Note 2: David Kolb presents a model of learning cycle into four phases:
- Experience
It starts with a practical experience...
- Reflective Observation
... Followed by a phase of reflection on the aforesaid action...
- Abstract and Conceptualization
...This thinking extends into a design phase...
- Active experimentation then move on to practical experimentation.
This cycle repeats endlessly.
Doesn't this sound to you like the Deming Wheel? You are right! That is exactly like, in any case in the concept of Total Performance Scorecard, that this theory must be tackled.
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