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Business Intelligence Decision Support System

19 May 2022   By   Partagez
Business Intelligence proposes to use data transiting through the enterprise database system, as informations to be exploited with a decisional purpose. Technically and practically, Business Intelligence is composed of a family of computer systems and softwares that guarantee the mechanism of decisional-informations making chain (Decision Support Systems DSS).
We are just beginning to understand how to use information as a tool. Peter Drucker

DSS Data Warehouse Project. Business Intelligence Software

Gathering, stocking, dispatching and exploiting

For a better understanding, the elements composing the decisional chain are presented in four categories each one with a specific function.

1. Gathering

To clean and consolidate data. To remove data from the production systems and to adapt them for a decisional use.

2. Stocking

To concentrate structured and processed data so that they are available for a decisional use.


Ease accessibility to the data according to its functions and kinds of use.

4. Exploiting

Or how to find the best way to help the user so that he can remove the information's substance from the data stocked in that purpose. Business Intelligence Main Open Source products like Pentaho, Spago, BEE and also Marvel-IT are global projects covering the whole decisional chain.


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