Nowadays, although we aren't in the same situation anymore, many companies don't change their habits and are still persisting (if not in what is said, it remains true in facts) in the application of the usual pattern:
It's nowadays absolutely sure that this kind of system is totally unsuited to the new economic configuration characterized by quick changes and unpredictability. We need to switch from an a priori logic of planning and a posteriori statement to an energetic and reactive logic as:
In short, we need to lead! With the "reactive" company, the cooperative performance dashboard isn't anymore a checking tool but a leading support tool for the actors/persons in charge.
The cooperative performance dashboard is not an instrument of motivation but an instrument of progress !
Using performance dashboards and key performance indicators (KPI) as objects of motivation is a rather common mistake in companies. Still too often, performance indicators presented to users are far too much general and far away from their concerns and means of actions. Such dashboards are purely and simply useless.
If the user doesn't have at his disposal a control level to be able to act, the performance indicator is needless. Note that the inevitable client satisfaction measuring indicators generally belong to this category.
It is also a tradition to define the goals to be reached.
Performance indicator is used as an official measurement of personal performance. This particularly common drift deserves our full attention. It should be seen entirely in the continuation of the archaic use of dashboards we were previously talking about .
A goal mustn't be considered as the pole jumper's bar that the direction places higher and higher. Performance indicator shouldn't either be considered as an established points meter. It is not in this way that motivation problems will be solved.
A performance indicator has to remain a decision-making support tool. It allows to make sure that the actions already taken are quite well part of the selected way of progress. That's the way performance can be defined.