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SIX SIGMA - 6 Sigma methodology in practice

19 May 2022   By   Share

What is Six Sigma?

6 Sigma is a progress management method particularly efficient. Originally from a process strongly connoted quality at the beginning, 6 Sigma is quite simple from a principle point of view. Six Sigma is based on an eternal rule that proved to be true since the dawn of times, or at least since man trades: In order to satisfy the clients, quality products have to be delivered.

Six Sigma Principle

Almost no-one will contradict this fundamental truth. Nevertheless, it's not that simple to put in practice.
Because of growing complexity products, regularity in delivery of quality is a real puzzle.
Indeed fabrication processes strongly tend to become terribly complex. Furthermore, it should be noted that basic components used for each products aren't always of equal quality or performance.
And if, moreover, fabrication processes are difficult to establish, inescapably the drift will become a reality.

The "norm"

Wether it is for one or the other reason, in the end a good many products will be out of "normal" and will move aside from the range corresponding to acceptable quality for the client. This drift is really costly for the company. The management of discards, alterations and returns for non-conformity produces consistent costs which seriously amputate the expected incomes. Besides, let's not forget that the client dissatisfaction must be considered. Even if it's not tangible for the moment, it's the first explanation of the sluggish growth, characteristic of the great majority of companies.

Why Six Sigma?

Six Sigma methodology lays down the following fundamental principle:
IF all the efforts are displayed as to always stay in the range, THEN the income will become a reality.
The discards' drastic decrease and the clients' consistent satisfaction are indeed the best way to improve profitability. The whole company is concerned. Thus 6 Sigma goes beyond the simple continuous improvement process dear to classic quality approaches.

Six Sigma is a real progress management methodology which is engraved in a strategic process. The investment can be consistent, in accordance with the expected potential results. Six Sigma is in itself a real organizational and managerial revolution.


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